Online Course » Overcoming Stigma and Discrimination in the Behavioral Health Workplace

Course Description:

The primary goal of the WWT is to ensure public mental health agencies are prepared to recruit, hire, train, support and retain multicultural clients, family members and parents/caregivers as employees.This E-Learning Module is one in a series of modules developed to ensure the workplace is welcoming and values employees with experience as consumers, parents and family members from diverse ethnic, racial and cultural communities.

Course Objective:

-Describe the concept of stigma as it affects individuals, organizations and

groups,including cultural and ethnic groups

-Identify key milestones in the evolution of mental health systems in California

and define the contributions of the Consumer and Family movements to its


-Articulate the value of people with lived experience in the mental health


-Describe the unique forms stigma takes within the mental health workplace

-Demonstrate the skills necessary to address stigmatizing behaviors by

coworkers, supervisors and systems

-Describe the roles of policies and procedures, federal and state legislation,

human resources departments and labor unions in maintaining a stigma-free


-Describe the importance and types of self-care and supports useful in

managing stigmatizing environments

-Identify key elements of a stigma-free workplace and the cultural and systemic

factors that support it

Intended Audience:
County staff, community based organizations, CA state personnel, consumers, and family members
General - California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions - view details

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