Online Course » History of Consumer and Family-Driven Services

Course Description:
A brief introduction to consumer and family member driven services in the California public mental health system.
Course Objective:
  • Describe the "civil rights" movement for families, parents, and consumers in relationship to mental health
  • Explain the Three D's of consumer and family driven services (Design, delivery, and determination)
  • Summarize the Recovery Vision, Family Partnership Model, and other determination models
  • Understand the negative impact of stigma and discrimination on consumer and family driven services
  • Define the importance of our work as partners that involve consumers, family members, and communities in a shared system of care
Intended Audience:
County staff, community based organizations, CA state personnel, consumers, and family members
Author Bio:
Alice J. Washington, BA
California Institute for Mental Health
General - California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions - view details

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