Event » 2024, May 23, 29, & 30- Initial Trauma-Focused CBT Training with Cindy Rollo

  • Start Date: 5/23/2024
  • End Date: 5/30/2024
  • Registration Start Time: 9:00 AM
  • Hosted By: CIBHS
  • Group Rate Cutoff Date: 5/23/2024

Event Description:

Virtual Training Description: In this three-day training brought to you by California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS), National trainers Cindy Rollo, LCSW-C will assist behavioral health practitioners understand the basics of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidenced based practice for children, adolescents and their parents and caregivers impacted by trauma. A master’s degree in counseling (e.g., social work, counseling, etc.) is required to attend this training and become proficient in the model at the conclusion of the training protocol. 

Target Audience: Clinicians, counselors, and therapists who have a masters degree in counseling and/or related field working with children, youth, and their families. 

Training Objectives: 

  1. Explain at least one goal for each TF-CBT practice component when working with families and children with trauma exposure.
  2. Explain the appropriate sequencing for TF-CBT practice components to support fidelity and positive outcomes when using TF-CBT with children and families.
  3. Explain at least one approach for applying TF-CBT with children of various developmental levels and cultural backgrounds.
  4. Explain at least two goals of caregivers’ participation in TF-CBT when working with families and children with trauma exposure.
  5. Explain at least two research findings from randomized clinical trials to inform clinical decisions related to the appropriate use of TF-CBT for different clinical populations.
  6. List at least five clinical symptoms and/or diagnoses associated with trauma to identify the manifestations of trauma and determine the appropriateness for TF-CBT.
  7. Describe three cultural constructs that are important to enhance the cultural relevance of TF-CBT for children of various cultural backgrounds.
  8. Explain the structure and utility at least one validated screening instrument as part of a thorough clinical assessment for determining the appropriateness of TF-CBT.
  9. Apply two or more relaxation techniques during treatment to provide clients with skills to use in their natural settings to manage distress.
  10. Apply two or more clinical activities for preparing clients and caregivers for sharing the trauma narrative in conjoint sessions to support positive treatment outcomes.

A zoom link to join the training will be available and emailed to all registered attendees a week prior to the training. 

Day 1: Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 9:00am to 1:30pm PT

Day 2: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 9:00am to 1:30pm PT

Day 3: Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 9:00am to 1:30pm PT

Training cost: $1080

Training & CE cost: $1140

The fee includes initial training and the 14 necessary shared consultation calls for proficiency. Note that the consultation calls take place over a span of about a year. The fee does not include booster training, audio review or the pre-training web-course which are also required for proficiency.

National Consultants Cindy Rollo, LCSW-C will conduct the initial training.

All clinicians and supervisors attending must complete the 10-hour online TFCBT training prior to the training to familiarize themselves with the basic foundations of TFCBT. There is a $35 fee to take this training. Please follow the link to complete the 10-hour online training:  https://www.musc.edu/tfcbt2

Continuing Education $60.00 for 12 CE

Psychologists :   Psychologists - APA :  California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Course meets the qualifications for 12 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences; and CIBHS is an approved provider for the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) to sponsor continuing education for Behavioral health professionals including clinicians, counselors, and therapists who have a master’s degree in counseling and/or related field working with children, youth, and their families. CIBHS maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

All activities in this training are offered for continuing education credit excluding any breaks. CE Certificates of Completion will be emailed within two weeks of processing your completed online evaluation.

For questions, comments, or grievances about this CE course content or delivery, or to request special accommodations, please email Theresa Ferrini at tferrini@cibhs.org

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for continuing education must be received in writing within 48 hours after the first day of the training to receive a refund. All refunds will be subject to a $10.00 administration fee, unless the attendee is cancelling both the training and the continuing education, in which case a $25 cancellations fee will be applied to the total refund. In the event the provider cancels the conference, full refunds will be given.

There is no known commercial support for this webinar.

For all other questions regarding training and proficiency certification, and contact Gayaneh Karapetian at gkarapetian@cibhs.org

Packages Available for Registration

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